About Sumthing

IT'S Our mission TO

accelerate the restoration of nature by turning donating to it into an awesum experience.

There are few things as visible as nature restoration. Barren lands turn into vast forests, baby corals grow into large reefs, plastic soup turns into beautiful rivers.. How awesum would it be if you could actually follow the process of the nature restoration project that you decided to donate to? Pretty awesum, right? That’s what we thought.

AND we were not the only ones.

Research shows that nature restoration projects that show their results smash those that don’t by a whopping 300%. Yup, showing results is key to restoring more nature. And since there is quite sum nature to restore, we decided to show results.

At Sumthing, the journey begins when you donate. Thanks to sum kick-ass technology, we show you where your trees are planted, what they look like and how they grow into exciting ecosystems. You see the actual bags of plastic being removed, and you virtually dive through the freshly grown corals. You will know that your money was well received and you will have proof of it being well spent. Not only does that improve the experience, it also increases transparency.


Why is it important to raise maximum funds for nature restoration, you ask us? Well, we’ve all seen enough pictures of plastic-littered beaches and stats on vanished coral reefs and the loss of biodiversity. Let’s just say that sumthing has to happen. We want to restore more nature than we lose every year, or as we say: realise Nature's Comeback Story. To know how much nature that is, we use data from the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The IUCN provides focus on the most pressing issues our planet faces and quantifies these. We have turned those into goals.

14,000,000,000 kg plastic

Remove marine plastic pollution

20,000,000,000 M2 forest

Reforestation and forest restoration

200,000,000,0000 M2 land

Soil revitilisation

1,170,000,000 M2 coral

Coral restoration

40,000,000,000 M2 kelp

Kelp restoration

Showing results to restore more nature...

It’s sumthing so simple, we could have thought of it ourselves. Oh wait… We did. Well, the plan did not come solely from us. Turns out, loads of nature restoration projects were stuck playing by the same old rules. They wanted to operate more transparently and engage their donors, but lacked the knowledge or money to build the required digital infrastructure. The good news? There’s not a problem that tech can’t fix. So we threw sum in the mix. We knew a thing or two about tech, and decided to put our skills to good use. We built one heck of a platform that is utilised by an ever-growing network of handpicked nature restoration projects. We continuously add new technology to make nature restoration even more visible. We do what we do best in the cloud, so the projects can focus on what they do best on the ground. Read more about that awesum tech-mix here.

Where you
come in

So, we have the platform, we have the projects, we have the goals. Now is where you come in. Click that little button down here, and chip in a few euros. Choose the project that you like, how much you want to restore and join nature’s comeback story. Easy as one two trees.

Welcome to Sumthing.

Join nature's comeback story