About Sumthing

Meet the crew: Lisette

published on
April 1, 2024

Meet Lisette Schuitemaker, one of our stewards. As a director in the Sumthing Foundation, she wields significant influence through voting rights on critical decisions such as business plans, capital issuance, and remuneration. Her role is instrumental in shaping the trajectory of Sumthing's impactful initiatives in nature restoration.

Lisette has an impressive track record in the sustainability and philanthropy space. Apart from being a renowned author who knows the transformative power of stories, she is the current chair of the board of Pymwymic that celebrates three decades of making impact this year. Her unique experiences and perspectives have been, and continue to be, conducive to the success of Sumthing.

Trailblazing Steward Ownership

From her formative years, Lisette has been driven by a profound curiosity about what makes us tick and how we can bring our deepest being to life. How we can follow our destiny, so to say. And these questions haven’t been confined to the space of personal growth. Aware of the steering power of money, Lisette is a pioneering investor funding companies that aim to be a force for good, Questioning the values of the traditional model in which shareholders are compensated from one generation to the next, she started to explore ways in which companies can stay true to their purpose when the investor base grows or when founders move on. Very early in the Sumthing journey, she was the one that suggested to us the path of steward ownership as a governance model that would suit our mission better than traditional company structures. She has only become a keener advocate of the model since!

Champion of Consciousness

Lisette champions deeply rooted consciousness not just in the organizational structures of a company, but in the teams that are driving the daily work as well. Drawing on her educational and entrepreneurial background and diverse board experiences, she brings this unique quality into our team by regularly checking in on our (mental) wellbeing, personal relationships and drive.

Storytelling to Make A Difference

Lisette has always had a way with words to shed light on societal issues and stimulate positive behaviors. While serving on boards of leading educational and financial institutions  she has  managed to create a positive difference with five thought-provoking books, including "The Childhood Conclusions Fix" and "Childless Living ''. Lisette's writings challenge the status quo and invite readers to think differently: that’s exactly what Sumthing is trying to do in the world of nature restoration. With Lisette’s guidance we’re crafting a more honest, simple and hopeful narrative around positive impact.

Lisette Schuitemaker is a superstar in the spaces of impact investment and personal growth, and plays a key role in our mission to use business as a force for good to restore nature together.

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